slides: Serverless Orchestration of AWS Step Functions - July 2017 AWS Online…
transcribed: Serverless Orchestration with AWS Step Functions - AWS Online Tech Talks Teaching | Unlock Campus
AWS Step Functions - Getting Started
Amazon States Language - AWS Step Functions
What Is AWS Step Functions? - AWS Step Functions
Continue as a New Execution - AWS Step Functions
aws-step-functions-developer-guide/concepts-amazon-states-language.md at master · awsdocs/aws-step-functions-developer-guide @GitHub:
airware/stepfunctions-local: Execute AWS Step Functions locally (node.js) @GitHub
"Stepfunctions-local provides a local AWS Step Functions server. This package only aims at replacing AWS Step Functions in a local context. Its API is totally compliant with AWS service..."
mikeparisstuff/stateslang-js: A JavaScript implementation of the AWS States Language @GitHub
A javascript implementation of the Amazon States Language
airware/asl-validator: A simple Amazon States Language validator based on JSON schemas.
A simple Amazon States Language validator based on JSON schemas. It also validates JSON paths syntax in InputPath, OutputPath and ResultPath.
oshikiri/fake-step-functions: A lightweight testing toolkit for Amazon States Language @GitHub
A lightweight testing toolkit for Amazon States Language.
Synchronizing Amazon S3 Buckets Using AWS Step Functions | AWS Compute Blog
sync-buckets-state-machine/sync_buckets_state_machine.yaml at master · aws-samples/sync-buckets-state-machine