Sunday, August 21, 2016

Data Beyond Spreadsheets

Business Cloud | Domo
Business Intelligence / Analytics App.
A lot of fuzzy marketing, a little real demo. Expensive.
Domo pricing: $175/month for "small teams & companies", "call" for Enterprise.
Domo, Inc. - YouTube

Office 365 (and Google Spreadsheets) are technically capable of very similar solutions for $10/month. Compare Office 365 Business Plans
Combined with "Office Graph" (when it arrives) it can be even "smarter"
Get insights from the Office Graph

And there is also a much better "academic" solution: IPython/Jupyter Notebooks.
Jupyter names comes from names of programming languages Julia, Python and R
Now there are 50+ supported languages. It is an evolution of IPython Notebooks

It is almost like when first web browser was created... by chance (Netscape) it changed the world.
Where is a new "Netscape" for "Notebooks?"

Getting Started with IPython Notebook - YouTube

1. Introduction - Jupyter Tutorial (IPython 3) - YouTube
2. Markdown & LaTeX - Jupyter Tutorial (IPython 3) - YouTube
Scientific Computing Online: IPython Notebook, Shiny (R) and ILNumerics - The ILNumerics Blog

Installing Jupyter Notebook — Jupyter Documentation
Why Anaconda? | Continuum

cloud: Azure DevTest Labs

Azure DevTest Labs
"self-service sandbox environment in Azure to quickly create dev/test environments while minimizing waste and controlling costs."Announcing general availability of Azure DevTest Labs | Blog | Microsoft Azure
"The lab policies and the Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model in the lab enables a sandbox environment for developers and testers to provision their own environments without unexpected accidents that can introduce a big bill."

Azure DevTest Labs.