lyrasis/blazegraph - Docker Image | Docker Hub
docker run --name blazegraph -d -p 8889:8080 lyrasis/blazegraph:2.1.5
from class:
RDF and SPARQL Essentials @Udemy
A practical introduction to RDF, Turtle, TriG and SPARQL for authoring and querying knowledge graph dataYou can load the file /tmp/blazgraph/data.n3 (for example, get this file) through the "Update" tab:
load <file:///tmp/blazegraph/data.n3>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
# Bugs Bunny
:Bugs_Bunny a :Looney_Tunes_Character ;
:name "Bugs Bunny" ;
:species "Hare" ;
:gender "Male" ;
:made_debut_appearance_in :A_Wild_Hare ;
:created_by :Tex_Avery ;
:personality_trait "Cunning" , "Charismatic" , "Smart" ;
:known_for_catchphrase "What's up, doc?" .
# A Wild Hare
:A_Wild_Hare a :Short ;
:release_date "1940-07-27"^^xsd:date .
# Tex Avery
:Tex_Avery a :Person ;
:name "Frederick Bean Avery" ;
:born_on "1908-02-26"^^xsd:date ;
:died_on "1980-08-26"^^xsd:date .
# Daffy Duck
:Daffy_Duck a :Looney_Tunes_Character ;
:name "Daffy Damas Duck" ;
:species "American Black Duck" ;
:gender "Male" ;
:made_debut_appearance_in :Porkys_Duck_Hunt ;
:created_by :Tex_Avery ;
:personality_trait "Assertive" , "Unrestrained" , "Combative" ;
:known_for_catchphrase "You're despicable!" .
# Porky's Duck Hunt
:Porkys_Duck_Hunt a :Short ;
:release_date "1937-04-17"^^xsd:date .
# Sylvester
:Sylvester a :Looney_Tunes_Character ;
:name "Sylvester James Pussycat, Sr." ;
:species "Tuxedo Cat" ;
:gender "Male" ;
:made_debut_appearance_in :Life_With_Feathers ;
:created_by :Friz_Freleng ;
:personality_trait "Proud" , "Persistent" , "Loser" ;
:known_for_catchphrase "Sufferin' Succotash" .
# Life With Feathers
:Life_With_Feathers a :Short ;
:release_date "1945-03-24"^^xsd:date .
# Friz Frelang
:Friz_Freleng a :Person ;
:name "Isadore Freleng" ;
:born_on "1905-08-21"^^xsd:date ;
:died_on "1995-05-26"^^xsd:date .
# Taz
:Taz a :Looney_Tunes_Character ;
:name "Tasmanian Devil" ;
:gender "Male" ;
:species "Tasmanian Devil" ;
:made_debut_appearance_in :Devil_May_Hare ;
:created_by :Robert_McKimson , :Sid_Marcus ;
:personality_trait "Dim-witted" , "Short-tempered" , "Impatient" .
# Devil May Hare
:Devil_May_Hare a :Short ;
:release_date "1954-06-19"^^xsd:date .
# Robert McKimson
:Robert_McKimson a :Person ;
:name "Robert Porter McKimson, Sr." ;
:born_on "1910-10-13"^^xsd:date ;
:died_on "1977-09-29"^^xsd:date .
# Sid Marcus
:Sid_Marcus a :Person ;
:name "Sidney Marcus" ;
:born_on "1877-10-14"^^xsd:date ;
:died_on "1979-01-31"^^xsd:date .
then must change "type" to "RDF Data" and Format to "Turtle" (TTT)
then click [Update] button
then click [Update] button