"Freeboard and Dweet, two newly launched modular products from New York-based Bugs Labs
Dweet is open-source software that allows any connected device to “tweet” its relevant information: location, sensor readings, photographs, etc. With just a simple tap in a web browser, you can connect your smartphone to the Internet of Things and access the information it’s publishing. (An additional tap takes it offline.)
If Dweet is Twitter, Freeboard is WordPress for the Internet of Things: In 10 minutes you’ve got your own interface up and running, importing device information from Dweet."
dweet.io Ridiculously simple messaging for the Internet of Things.
Fast, free and ridiculously simple— it's like Twitter for social machines.
Ridiculously simple dashboards for your devices.
BugLabs started by making (expensive) "makers" toys,
and got some investments... Now changing plans to "ride the wave" of IoT.
Another solutions in search of a problem... why?
There are many real challenges in the world that would benefit from IoT.