Zig is a new simple system-level language, like modern C.
Rust, anther modern system-level language is more complex and powerful, like modern C++.
While Go is also a modern descendant of C (made by some same people who made C!)
there are some essential difference: Go is using "garbage collection" memory management and had "runtime". So Zig is simpler, smaller and more predictable. Maybe more fun.
Zig for Impatient Devs - YouTube 10 min
Why Ghostty is written in Zig (not Rust or Go) - YouTube
from person who created Terraform, in Go, sold for $ billions
Home ⚡ Zig Programming Language
Getting Started ⚡ Zig Programming Language
Zig Playground online with example code, like a tutorial
GitHub - ziglang/zig: General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
Bun — A fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime (written in Zig, too)
Zig (programming language) - Wikipedia
Zig (Also known as Ziglang)[12] is an imperative, general-purpose, statically typed, compiled system programming language designed by Andrew Kelley.[13] It is free and open-source software, released under an MIT License.[14]
A major goal of the language is to improve on the C language,[15][16] (also taking inspiration from Rust[17][18]), with the intent of being even smaller and simpler to program in, while offering more functionality.[19] The improvements in language simplicity relate to flow control, function calls, library imports, variable declaration and Unicode support. Further, the language makes no use of macros or preprocessor instructions.