Tuesday, February 27, 2024

photo editing: Photoshop alternatives

Photoshop alternatives: The 9 best free photo editors in 2024 | Zapier
The 9 best free Photoshop alternatives

Adobe Express for easy AI features

Canva for maintaining brand consistency across remote teams

Pixlr E and X for an authentic Photoshop experience

Photopea for using custom Photoshop brushes

Sumopaint for the full Adobe apps experience on a budget

LunaPic for powerful one-click editing tools

PhotoRoom for product photos and eCommerce

Krita for artists and illustrators

Inkscape for graphic design

JavaScript labeled statements = goto?

useful or dangerous for readability of code? 

GOTO in disguise?

Labeled statement - JavaScript | MDN

Scott Robinson on X: "TIL in JavaScript you can assign labels to if-statements and then specify which one you want to break out of. Super helpful for long and highly nested conditionals https://t.co/tjyDvWBPoe" / X

In the late sixties, Edsger Dijkstra wrote an article about the use of the goto statement, highlighting how it encouraged the spread of a unstructured code style often hard to understand: the so called spaghetti code. The proposed measure was the removal of the goto statement from all high-level programming languages in favour of the use of structured control flow constructs like if/elsewhilerepeat, etc.

.NET Aspire, for cloud native apps

 .NET Rocks! .NET Aspire with David Fowler

...the tools to make building cloud-native .NET applications easier. David discusses the challenge of not re-creating the past - tools like Azure Service Fabric. However, the complexity of containerized applications is real. Aspire can make it simpler to take advantage of being in a container, on the cloud, with all the telemetry, observability, scalability, and flexibility that being cloud-native can bring you!
