Saturday, June 29, 2019

.NET Core DevOps

The Evolving Infrastructure of .NET Core | .NET Blog

Making a tiny .NET Core 3.0 entirely self-contained single executable - Scott Hanselman

Microsoft Azure Certification changes

getting closer to AWS certification "role based" naming; complicated and changing often

Free IT Training, Certification Offers, & Student Discounts | Microsoft

Microsoft Learning Blog post - Simplifying the Certification Path for Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

Microsoft Technical Certifications | Microsoft Learning

Microsoft Certifications Program Paths: Browse All | Microsoft Learning fundamentals

Microsoft Certifications Program Paths: Browse All | Microsoft Learning associate

Microsoft Certifications Program Paths: Browse All | Microsoft Learning expert

strange JavaScript .map() "magic"

Why ['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt) returns [1, NaN, 3] in Javascript

['1', '7', '11'].map(parseInt)
would expect [1, 7, 11]
but it returns [1, NaN, 3]

another "strange" result:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(console.log);

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(console.log);// The above is equivalent to[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(
    (val, index, array) => console.log(val, index, array)
);// and not equivalent to[1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map(
    val => console.log(val)

ParseInt takes two arguments: string and radix (base, default is 10)

parseInt('1', 0, ['1', '7', '11']); => 1
parseInt('7', 1, ['1', '7', '11']); => NaN
parseInt('11', 2, ['1', '7', '11']); => 3

The Weird History of JavaScript - YouTube

Visual Studio Online

Microsoft Announces Visual Studio Online @ InfoQ

"Visual Studio Online is currently under a private preview, which requires a sign-up process to be able to participate when it is available. There are, however, other open source online editors supporting Visual Studio Code extensions that can already be used. One of the most popular alternatives is Coder, based on Visual Studio Code and available on GitHub. Another alternative (also available on GitHub) is Theia, a joint project between TypeFox, RedHat, IBM, Google, and others."

Microsoft announces Visual Studio Online, a web-based code editor - MSPoweruser

"Several year back, Microsoft had a service named Visual Studio Online. In 2015, they rebranded it as Visual Studio Team Services. Later it became Azure DevOps Services which offers development collaboration tools including high-performance pipelines, free private Git repositories, configurable Kanban boards, and extensive automated and continuous testing capabilities.
At Build 2019, Microsoft announced that it is bringing back Visual Studio Online brand. This time it is different, Visual Studio Online will be a web-based companion to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. It will allow developers to work on and edit code from any device with latest web browsers."