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ngrx/store: RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux
"RxJS powered state management for Angular applications, inspired by Redux"
angular-redux/store: Angular 2+ bindings for Redux
"Angular 2+ bindings for Redux"
Play by Play: Angular and ngrx | Pluralsight
duncanhunter/ngrx-play-by-play: Pluralsight course code - Play by Play Angular and ngrx with Duncan and Lars @ GitHub (version 4)
Using Redux to Manage State in Angular | Pluralsight
hendrikswan/pluralsight-angular-redux: Source code used in pluralsight.com course on using angular with redux @ GitHiub
Redux Fundamentals | Pluralsight
Read Me - Redux
You Might Not Need Redux – Dan Abramov – Medium
Redux data flow with angular 2 @ SlideShare
Getting to Know the Redux Pattern | DotNetCurry
A Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store - Companion to Egghead.io Series
Is there some database that works like Redux store?
You Might Not Need Redux – Dan Abramov – Medium
Redux data flow with angular 2 @ SlideShare
Getting to Know the Redux Pattern | DotNetCurry
A Comprehensive Introduction to @ngrx/store - Companion to Egghead.io Series
Is there some database that works like Redux store?