Gerald Edelman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Nobel laureate
"Edelman's "Neural Darwinism" theory of neuronal group selection,
also known as Neural Darwinism, has three basic tenets:
Developmental Selection, Experiential Selection and Reentry."
podcast interview @Exploration with Dr. Michio Kaku
The process of learning in human brain is based on evolution of neural cells connections.
Similar to genetic evolution, connections between cells evolve based on environment.
(This is very different from the way current computers work)
Consciousnesses and thinking is a "process" not a "thing" (program).
So, there is a "slow learning" by genetic evolution, that takes thousands or years
and "fast learning" in the brain that takes a lifetime of each individual.
The key element of this is the language.
I think there is a third super-fast learning evolution based on web and internet.
Every "connected human" (and device) becomes a cell in a global web network
that functions similar to the brain itself!
For example, traffic jam info is assembled from other SmartPhones and "cloud".
The search engines select "most popular" info to share with others...
We "align" our behavior and opinion based on shared info (Google+, Facebook...)
So there are: DNA, Neural Cells and Smart Phones :)

The Apps are almost like DNA. The code provide a template,
and actual data / environment on each running instance of the program
behaves slightly differently...