Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Distributed SQLite: "Turso" "Edge DB"

Turso | SQLite Developer Experience in an Edge Database

Start free today: Turso public beta welcomes you to the Data Edge | by Glauber Costa | Apr, 2023 | Turso by ChiselStrike blog

Start free today: Turso public beta welcomes you to the Data Edge | by Glauber Costa | Apr, 2023 | Turso by ChiselStrike blog

Among the usual top contenders, SQLite breaks this paradigm: it is lightweight, meaning it uses very little memory and doesn’t have complex query planners; it is fast, and highly embeddable, and can fit anywhere.
The only disadvantage of SQLite is that, not being Open Contribution, it is hard to adapt for the needs of an Edge database. Turso is built by the team behind libSQL, an Open Contribution fork of SQLite under the MIT License, meaning it is fully compatible with SQLite, while adding core functionality that is needed to power an Edge database.

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