Sunday, November 16, 2014

visualization: 2D vs 3D

D3 visualization: saves lives @ Udacity

To diagnose heart disease, visualization experts recommend a simpler approach

"2D diagram of arteries that performs better than the traditional 3D, rainbow-colored model. In a clinical setting, the tool has been shown to increase diagnostic accuracy from 39% to 91% "

To diagnose heart disease, visualization experts recommend a simpler approach

To diagnose heart disease, visualization experts recommend a simpler approach

visualization: color

Practical Rules for Using Color in Charts

Stephen Few, Perceptual Edge

D3 Visualization : Careful with Color @ Udacity

"get it right in black and white" design advice

visualization: white space

d3: Negative Space @ Udacity

Designing with White Space: Why 1+1=3

[Design for Hackers] how Google uses white space
[turn on your images]

visualization: visual perception

D3: Pre-attentive Attributes @ Udacity

Pre-attentive processing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perception in Visualization

High-Speed Visual Estimation Using Preattentive Processing

visualization: Choosing Charts

storytelling with data: chart chooser:

choosing_a_good_chart.jpg (1584×1224)

Juice Labs - Chart Chooser (interactive, Excel & PowerPoint)

When to Use Stacked Barcharts? | Solomon Messing

Box Plot: Display of Distribution

A Tour through the Visualization Zoo - ACM Queue

Cartogram - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Choropleth map - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Visualization Types - Introduction to Data Visualization - LibGuides at Duke University

Graphical perception – learn the fundamentals first