from the "neglect" it had been suffering under Yahoo.
Sometimes, the best "action" is no action at all.
Now, the "new" web site is up and running, and it has too many problems to count.
It is a complete re-write, and not backward compatible, and not all data are transferred...
There is a lot of "lessons" that could be learned from this obvious "disaster",
an simple summary is:
Evolution is much better than REvolution.
Changes need to gradual, in particular when a service is in use for a long time, as was. Just ask Chinese government :)
Another important element: original creator of Delicious is not involved in this new site,
he is now working for Google... So whatever comes from the changes
will likely be very different, and indications are not better...
As an active user of delicious, I now regret for not moving to some more stable service sooner,
or implementing similar simple service for myself, as I was using before
Time to look at delicious's (new) REST API
A good thing: it appears to be working...
Oh, Delicious — where did it all go so wrong? @ GigaOm
AVOS’ Delicious Disaster: Lessons from a Complete Failure @ZDNet