Tuesday, November 17, 2015

AI TensorFlow @ AWS GPUs

A few days ago Google released open source AI toolkit,
and it is already available to run on Amazon Web Services.
Expect Azure version soon...

tensorflow/README.md at master · pavlovml/tensorflow · GitHub

"Play with TensorFlow on a real GPU. This is a fork of TensorFlow with support for AWS G2 instances using CUDA 7.0. The NVIDIA GRID K520 cards these instances have use CUDA Compute 3.0 which is not currently supported by TensorFlow, but as far as I can tell they still work."

AI book online free: Multiagent Systems

Multiagent Systems

"Multiagent systems consist of multiple autonomous entities having different information and/or diverging interests. This comprehensive introduction to the field offers a computer science perspective, but also draws on ideas from game theory, economics, operations research, logic, philosophy and linguistics. It will serve as a reference for researchers in each of these fields, and be used as a text for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses."

Yoav Shoham  Stanford University
Kevin Leyton-Brown  University of British Columbia