Wednesday, June 21, 2017

AI: Google for Jobs

LinkedIn is de-facto social network for jobs, with search features.
Google is now leveraging its search engine for job matching.

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Connect to job seekers with Google Search

"At Google I/O this year... announced Google for Jobs, a new company-wide initiative focused on helping both job seekers and employers, through collaboration with the job matching industry.
Get your job listings on Google. Implementation involves two steps:

AI future prediction

Here is a confident prediction from a professional technology futurist:

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Intelligence, not just Our Processes? - Daniel Burrus

"So here is a prediction for you: During the next five years, we will have the technologies to transform every business process including how we sell, market, communicate, collaborate, train, educate, design, pay for things and much more. That is what I call a Hard Trend that will happen because it is based on future facts—the tools are real and they will be used to both disrupt and transform."

his new book: