Tuesday, January 06, 2015

A guide for problem solving

by Dan Appleman
  1. Accept reality of the situation (vs. denial)
  2. Determine if problem can be solved, or you must live with it
  3. If you can solve the problem, mobilize available resources to solve the problem
A guide for problem solving:
  • accept the problem
  • collect information
  • evaluate possible approaches 
  • make a plan
  • Problem Definition.
  • Problem Analysis.
  • Generating possible Solutions.
  • Analyzing the Solutions.
  • Selecting the best Solution(s).
  • Planning the next course of action (Next Steps)
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference."

IoT, gadget, Kickstarter: NUZii

NUZii: The World's First Smart Life Device (Canceled) by NUZii — Kickstarter
"NUZii is a small device packed with an HD Video camera and many sensors. NUZii controls many of your smart devices, makes your internet safer and more private, increases the memory of all your gadgets, receives and streams wireless audio, recognizes you and your family from fitness-bands and smartphones, and monitors your home and protects you from intruders"

podcast: State of DevOps in .NET at NDC London @ .NET Rocks!

Citizen Science, Project Noah

podcast: Get Involved in Citizen Science with Chandra Clarke on the Hanselminutes Technology Podcast: Fresh Air for Developers

Citizen Science Center| Citizen Science Projects | You Can Do Science Too!
"You can do science too! Learn how you can make a difference by doing real science to help solve our planet's most pressing problems."

Project Noah
Discover thousands of organisms from around the world.
Rainbow Lorikeet

IoT: The Next Big Thing @ CES 2015

At CES, 'Internet of Things' showcases the connected life - LA Times
"There are 900 Internet of Things exhibitors at CES, the largest-ever showcase of such products and services"
CES 2015 - CNET

CNET Next Big Thing 2015 | CNET

Samsung at CES 2015: Internet-of-Things is not science fiction, but 'science fact' | ZDNet

"2015 is already poised to be a big year for Samsung's Internet-of-Things game plan. But by 2017, Yoon promised 90 percent of all Samsung products will be "IoT devices," including all televisions and mobile devices. Five years from now, every single piece of Samsung hardware will be IoT-ready."