Lift Foils | eFoil Electric Surfboard | The LIFT4 eFoil
The LIFT4 eFoil - Lift Foils 4th Generation Electric Hydrofoil - YouTube

KubeView | Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer
benc-uk/kubeview: Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer @GitHub
Visualizing Kubernetes Clusters with Navigate | by Brian Kang | Medium
A GUI for Kubectl – A Better Way to Manage Kubernetes Resources using KUI – Collabnix
KUI is an open-source project that provides a graphical user interface for kubectl. It was developed by the Kubernetes SIGs (Special Interest Groups) and offers an alternative way to manage Kubernetes resources. KUI uses Electron, a framework for building desktop applications using web technologies, to provide a native desktop experience.kubernetes-sigs/kui: A hybrid command-line/UI development experience for cloud-native development
looks fancy... maybe could be used to sell real estate, regular houses :)
AI Tool Report
is a json blob from the perspective of SQLite, but it is parsed into a strictly typed structure in the Rust application code.
@GitHub, Rust, LGPL
Depending on the data, this can reduce the size of the database by 80% while keeping performance mostly the same (or even improving it, since the data to be read from disk is smaller).
Note that a compression VFS such as might be suited better depending on the use case. That has very different tradeoffs and capabilities, but the end result is similar.
mlin/sqlite_zstd_vfs: SQLite3 extension for read/write storage compression with Zstandard
Never Too Rich Or Thin: Compress Sqlite 80% | Hackaday
The JSON capability of Redis Stack provides JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) support for Redis. It lets you store, update, and retrieve JSON values in a Redis database, similar to any other Redis data type. Redis JSON also works seamlessly with Search and Query to let you index and query JSON documents.
not "free", much bigger size than standard Redis + Hydrogen powered Rotary engine is a generator for electric engine,
(as on discontinued Chevy Volt). It can also power a house with electricity.
It looks stunning. Just too complex.
Mazda's Iconic SP is the most complicated electric / rotary car ever made - YouTube
Mazda Iconic SP Is a Hybrid Rotary-Powered Future Sports Car
Transformers.js 2.7: ML for the Web, Now with Text-to-Speech — Transformers.js provides access to machine learning models directly in the browser for all sorts of tasks and v2.7 introduces audio generation (live demo.) The Web Speech API remains the natural choice for this task for now, but the ML approach will only continue to offer greater opportunities over time.
JavaScript Weekly Issue 660: October 26, 2023
Speech synthesiser @MDN
When storing Goo data in JSON format usually there is a lot of redundancy.
Many Geo items, i.e. those from photo EXIF have same or similar values.
So they "should" be very compress-able.
When saved in separate, small JSON files, standard ZIP is very ineffective.
i.e. to add a JSON file to an archive, would do this:
7z a -t7z archive.7z newfile.json
7z e archive.7z -o [outputdir] file.json
var _7z = require('7zip')['7z']var task = spawn(_7z, ['x', 'somefile.7z', '-y'])
This Space-Age Pod Wants to Be Your New ADU, Office, or Off-Grid Micro-Home - Dwell
E100K, fiberglass
The Ecocapsule tiny home features an extendable wind turbine that generates power, which is stored by an on-board battery. The unit can harvest rainwater, and a built-in filtration system can purify anything sourced from rivers or lakes.How can we use Redis Queue mechanism in Node.js? | by Soni Pandey | Medium
How to Use Queues in Web Applications – Node.js and Redis Tutorial
bee-queue/bee-queue: A simple, fast, robust job/task queue for Node.js, backed by Redis.
OptimalBits/bull: Premium Queue package for handling distributed jobs and messages in NodeJS.
BullMQ - Background Jobs processing and message queue for NodeJS | BullMQ
BullMQ is a rewrite of the popular Bull library by the same authors, but with a new API and a more modern codebase written in Typescript and with a bunch of new features and performance improvements.
node-redis is a modern, high performance Redis client for Node.js.
Redis OM for Node.js makes it easy to model Redis data in your Node.js applications.
Redis OM .NET | Redis OM Node.js | Redis OM Python | Redis OM Spring
The fastest, most reliable, Redis-based distributed queue for Node.
The fastest, most reliable, Redis-based queue for Node.
Modern Redis Unleashed | Udemy
by Sundog Education by Frank Kane, Frank Kane,
Sundog Education with Frank Kane - YouTube
Course: Modern Redis Unleashed | Udemy Business
Redis Docker image
redis - Official Image | Docker Hub
Redis on Windows = run on WSL2 = Linux, or just use Docker
Install Redis on Windows | Redis
Getting Started | The Home of Redis Developers
Patterns for Reactivity with Modern Vanilla JavaScript | Frontend Masters
“Reactivity” is how systems react to changes in data. There are many types of reactivity, but for this article, reactivity is when data changes, you do things.Paste Image - Visual Studio Marketplace
Paste image directly from clipboard to markdown/asciidoc(or other file)!
Support Mac/Windows/Linux! And support config destination folder.
mushanshitiancai/vscode-paste-image: paste image from clipboard to markdown/asciidoc directly! @GitHub
WOW! Excellent interview, very inspiring and informative!
NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang: The Complete History and Strategy @ Acquired podcast
NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang - YouTube
...founder and CEO of Nvidia the company powering this whole AI explosion at theprevious related episodes
Nvidia: The Dawn of the AI Era: The Complete History and Strategy
a JS messaging tool, using WebSockets, leveraging CloudFlare workers infrastructure,
(to be) sold as infrastructure, per usage, not per user
Party on PartyKit with Sunil Pai (JS Party #296) |> Changelog
PartyKit is an open source tool that simplifies creating collaborative, multiplayer applications.
interesting, maybe even useful, if having right fonts is not an issue
works with markdown docs
Code Spell Checker - Visual Studio MarketplaceBrowse Certifications and Exams | Microsoft Learn: Total 84 certs!?
Browse Certifications and Exams | Microsoft Learn Azure: 24 certs!
New role-based certification and training is here, and we’re just getting started! | Microsoft Learn
Exam AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure - Certifications | Microsoft Learn
Exam AI-900: Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals - Certifications | Microsoft Learn
Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals - Certifications | Microsoft Learn
interesting, very opinionated, article
"SQL is the only widely-used implementation of the relational model, and it is:What would you do if you inherited $30M in today's money?
Henry Mercer bult himself a castle and a museum, from concrete.
Fire-proof, even windows (frames) are built from concrete!
100+ years later they are still standing, employing, and amazing people.
What would the cost, or even possibility, to build such buildings today?
Below is the AI calculated pro-rated cost by Wolfram Alpha, with average inflation rate for 100 years.
About | Mercer Museum & Fonthill Castle
Fonthill Castle | Mercer Museum & Fonthill Castle
Dynamic style - manipulating CSS with JavaScript - W3C Wiki
how to dynamically update the styling applied to your elements by manipulating your CSS at runtime using JavaScript.
How to dynamically create CSS class in JavaScript and apply? - Stack Overflow
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '.cssClass { color: #f00; }';
document.getElementById('someElementId').className = 'cssClass';
<div id="someElementId">test text</div>
javascript - changing CSS class definition - Stack Overflow
The Top Programming Languages 2023 - IEEE Spectrum
SQL, Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, C, HTML...
the list looks "stale" many years ago?
How about:
TypeScript, Mojo, Go, Dart, Kotlin, Swift, C#... with HTML, GraphQL, GRPC, WASM