Saturday, July 27, 2024

Safe nuclear power? vs. solar

Mag 7 sell-off, Wiz rejects Google, UBI, Kamala in, China's nuclear buildout, Sacks responds to PG - YouTube All-in Podcast

jump to nuclear story: China's nuclear buildout, Sacks responds to PG - YouTube

+ alternative view: China is mostly moving to solar & wind

China installs wind and solar equivalent of 5 nuclear power plants per week - YouTube

China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations per week - ABC News

China installed 1GW of nuclear last year, compared to 300GW of solar and wind

today US has roughly one terawatt of total electricity production capacity 
China today has about 3 TW of total electricity production capacity
and about you know 2 to 3% of that is nuclear today for China 

by 2050 the US has projected to build out an additional terawatt to getting us to two terawatts of capacity so we're going to double our total electricity output by 2050 

China meanwhile has a plan stated to increase electricity production to
8.7 TW so basically tripling between now and 2050 88% % of their power by 2050

cost of electricity China's about 7 to 9 cents a kilowatt hour 
the US is 17 to 25 cents a kilowatt hour 

and China is projected to drop their price to less than 6 cents due to the expansion of Renewables and nuclear power 

the US cost is about triple what it is in China to build out new electricity capacity

important long-term competitive point china has more electricity production
it's cheaper to make electricity and it's cheaper to build new capacity and they're building at an accelerated rate and this really highlights the industrial challenge the United States is going to have in the decades ahead

ultimately all of these industries particularly AI are going to be driven by the cost of power

Gen 4 is the next generation of nuclear power reactors and their next Generation
because they're meant to be much more safe where they cannot theoretically have a meltdown you can't have a nuclear meltdown like you had with Fukushima or with Three Mile Island and to be clear Fukushima was generation two those are the boiling water reactors

(in China test reactor) ... last summer and even when they turned everything off the system did not fail it did not have a meltdown it it maintained its ability to control its temperature and not have a meltdown

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