Monday, November 30, 2020

Material Design Icons Font

Icons - Material Design

Material Icons Guide - Google Design

<link href=""

<i class="material-icons">face</i>

Vector Icons Roundup - Font Awesome vs Glyphicons vs Foundation Icon Fonts vs Material Design Icons vs Ionicons vs Elusive-Icons

google/material-design-lite: Material Design Components in HTML/CSS/JS

Material Design Lite (MDL) lets you add a Material Design look and feel to your static content websites. It doesn't rely on any JavaScript frameworks or libraries. Optimized for cross-device use, gracefully degrades in older browsers, and offers an experience that is accessible from the get-go.

Material Design Lite

material-components/material-components-web: Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web

material-components-web - npm

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