Tuesday, September 03, 2024

AI for code: Cursor vs GitHub Copilot

Cursor wants to write all the world's code (Changelog News #110)

The team behind Cursor (an AI code editor) made a splash last week, announcing their $60 million Series A funding. People are excited about what the editor can do today (better than GitHub Copilot, some say) and what it might be able to do in the future:

Already, in Cursor, hours of hunting for the right primitives are being replaced by instant answers. Mechanical refactors are being reduced to single “tabs.” Terse directives are getting expanded into working source. And thousand-line changes are rippling to life in seconds. Going forward, we hope Cursor will let you orchestrate intelligent background workers, view and modify systems in pseudocode, instantly scan your creations for any trace of a bug, and much more.

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