Accelerated Mobile Pages - Wikipedia
"The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP) is an open-source website publishing technology designed to improve the performance of web content and advertisements. The AMP Project led by Google is a competitor to Facebook's Instant Articles, and includes several other large search, social and web publishing platforms around the world."
"The Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (AMP) is an open-source website publishing technology designed to improve the performance of web content and advertisements. The AMP Project led by Google is a competitor to Facebook's Instant Articles, and includes several other large search, social and web publishing platforms around the world."
- AMP HTML which is a standard HTML with web components;
- AMP JavaScript which manages resource loading; and
- AMP caches which can serve and validate AMP pages
...Google reports that AMP pages served in Google search typically load in less than one second and use 10 times less data than the equivalent non-AMP pages"
AMP vs PWA... whats the difference? - Google Groups
AMP vs PWA... whats the difference? - Google Groups
Introducing AMP Stories - YouTube
"The AMP story format is a recently launched addition to the AMP Project that provides content publishers with a mobile-focused format for delivering news and information as visually rich, tap-through stories."
Stories – AMP
Google AMP for Email will probably make Gmail even more annoying - SlashGear
"Your email is about to come a whole lot more interactive – or a whole lot more annoying, depending on how you look at it – with Google baking AMP into Gmail. The new project builds on AMP – or Accelerated Mobile Pages – which have been part of the search giant’s push to speed up the mobile web by encouraging publishers to use pared-back, lightweight versions of their normal pages."

"Your email is about to come a whole lot more interactive – or a whole lot more annoying, depending on how you look at it – with Google baking AMP into Gmail. The new project builds on AMP – or Accelerated Mobile Pages – which have been part of the search giant’s push to speed up the mobile web by encouraging publishers to use pared-back, lightweight versions of their normal pages."
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