"CouchBase offers N1QL (pronounced “nickel”). This is an extension to ANSI SQL with support for JSON constructs. It offers JDBC and ODBC drivers in addition to custom clients for specific platforms.
YugaByte describes itself as a “Transactional NoSQL” database that offers “Planet Scale SQL”. It uses the PostgreSQL wire format along with its propriety SQL extension, YSQL. This means you can leverage existing PostgresSQL drivers in your language of choice.
CockroachDB was the third vendor we interviewed for this article. They went both the PostgreSQL wire format and SQL dialect. They choose the PostgreSQL wire format not only because it is open sourced with a compatible license, but also because it was very well documented. In order to ensure as much compatibility as possible, they even use a PostgreSQL’s syntax parser, with extensions where necessary.
MongoDB renewed their SQL offering with a new ODBC driver. This if a commercial extension meant to allow the use of “MongoDB as a data source for Tableau, Excel, MicroStrategy, Microsoft Power BI, [and] Qlik”.

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