"Arete (Greek: ἀρετή), in its basic sense, means "excellence of any kind".[1] The term may also mean "moral virtue".[1] In its earliest appearance in Greek, this notion of excellence was ultimately bound up with the notion of the fulfillment of purpose or function: the act of living up to one's full potential."

book review: The Way of the Fight | Brian Johnson
Arête: The Greek Idea of Excellence
"...the only reason for going to college that makes any kind of sense is the fuzzy notion that college might somehow, in some strange way, make us better, and that being better is a worthwhile thing in and of itself...
Arête: The Greek Idea of Excellence
"...the only reason for going to college that makes any kind of sense is the fuzzy notion that college might somehow, in some strange way, make us better, and that being better is a worthwhile thing in and of itself...
...we each have a potential that we can and, more importantly, should work toward realizing. In fact, most people agree that the best of us are those who strive to lead lives of excellence, who seek to perform at the peak of our abilities no matter the circumstances.
Greeks developed a concept known as Arête: 'being the best it is possible to be.'
...educated person is one who more fully realizes his or her potential for excellence, one who strives to lead an excellent life. "
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