Bounce | Brian Johnson
- Purposeful Practice + 4% ("Flow", balance of skill and challenge + 4%)
- 1 million repetitions (to become excellent in doing something)
- (top of the) icebergs (visible success is on top of huge invisible practice)
- DoubleThink: yes can do it vs. what can go wrong, at the same time
- Everyone can do it, "Mindset" is the key,
getting better by practice vs. proving inborn potential

Black Box Thinking | Brian Johnson
All airplanes are equipped with "black box" for recording and analyzing "what went wrong" in tragic situations; result: extremely good safety record. Opposite: medical environment hiding and not improving based on data, huge number of people dying from preventable mistakes.
- 50 lb of clay = better art: (practice makes perfect) students with
- goal to "do more" clay pottery produced much better results than
- those with goal to "make best" possible pottery
- "Marginal gains": small improvements in many details compound to better performance
- "Practice 50000 times": examples from sports
- "Cognitive Dissonance" Galileo example, when church refused to look trough telescope
- Pre-mortems: "what-if" exercises, to avoid preventable mistakes
"the key to success is a positive attitude to failure"
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Matthew Syed: The myth of talent and the power of practice | 09.07.13 - YouTube
a lot of high quality practice
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