A strange but possibly useful configuration
where one Windows server computer could handle many "terminals",
i.e. many keyboard/mouse/screens, or "thin client" computers.
Just plug them to USB ports and "play"...
Originally developed for schools, now available for small business also
(up to 20 clients per server).
Here is podcast interview about MultiPoint Server @ RunAsRadio
Almost the same thing was X-Windows on Unix, many, many years ago.
With Linux, it is "free", not counting IT cost.
And this "IT cost" is what Microsoft wants to reduce...
The cost may be a little lower than using full-featured client computers,
but installation and management is centralized and simplified...
"Simple" with Microsoft technology is a "relative" concept :)
Still could be useful...
Oracle attempted similar with "Network Computer" 15 years ago...
Are computers are now really 100+ times faster? (Moore's law)
"Legacy" apps may be a good reason for Microsoft's solution.
But if all users need is a HTML5 capable browser, what is the server for?
Soon enough there will be "monitors" with Chrome browser embedded,
or Mozilla's "Boot to Gecko (B2G)",
a HTML5 web browser without the OS. Just a browser "on the metal".
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