Sunday, November 07, 2021

WASM: WebAssembly Component Model


 Lin Clark on the WebAssembly Component Model

WebAssembly Component Model is a language-neutral approach to building web assembly applications in small units that can be assembled into a larger application.

WebAssembly excels in the edge environments because it has extremely fast and secure. The web assembly execution engine can run JavaScript 13 times faster than the same application running in a V8 isolate in a serverless function.

WebAssembly specs layer on top of each other. The core spec is intentionally very low level and very unopinionated. JavaScript integration is another spec that is layered on top of the WebAssembly spec. 
These layers allow wasm to remain flexible and to be used in different ways.

Composability, language neutrality, reusability, security are all design goals of the WebAssembly Component Model.

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