Saturday, November 06, 2021

gRPC with node.js

grpc - npm search

grpc/grpc-node: gRPC for Node.js

C-based Client and Server
Directory: packages/grpc-native-core (lives in the grpc@1.24.x branch) (see here for installation information)

npm package: grpc.

This is the existing, feature-rich implementation of gRPC using a C++ addon. It works on all LTS versions of Node.js on most platforms that Node.js runs on.

Pure JavaScript Client

Directory: packages/grpc-js

npm package: @grpc/grpc-js

This library implements the core functionality of gRPC purely in JavaScript, without a C++ addon. It works on the latest version of Node.js on all platforms that Node.js runs on.

const grpc = require('@grpc/grpc-js');

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