Tuesday, January 14, 2014

End of Net Neutrality? Start public internet.

Net Neutrality Quashing Will Mean New Pricing Schemes, Throttling, and Business Models | MIT Technology Review:
"Accepting much of a challenge by Verizon, the court killed the FCC’s policies that aimed to prevent data-discrimination or data blocking. But the ruling does require carriers to disclose when they block, slow, or expedite various kinds of traffic in the future."

It is time for "public" internet.
Same as there are public and paid roads,
there should be limited reasonable free internet for all,
and "premium" networks that are paid per usage, same as roads are.

There should be a easy way to use multiple networks in parallel,
both for wired and wireless connections.

In fact, public internet should focus on the roads first,
enabling internet connections for all vehicles to increase safety.

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