Tuesday, January 14, 2014

course: Mobile Website Development and Design @ Udacity

Mobile Website Development and Design Course - Udacity:
  • Chris Wilson is an Open Web Platform Developer Advocate at Google working on Chrome. He began working on web browsers in 1993 when he co-authored the original Windows version of NCSA Mosaic, went on to Microsoft to work on Internet Explorer for fifteen years, and joined Google in 2010
  • Peter Lubbers is a Program Manager at Google in the Chrome Developer Relations team and lives and breathes HTML5, co-author of Pro HTML5 Programming (Apress) and the founder of the San Francisco HTML5 User Group, the largest HTML5 User Group in the world.
So they is likely a real experts for web!

Interesting, they are teaching "mobile web," not "web based mobile apps."
The second could be created by "wrapping" web app to PhoneGap shell, but it is not the same approach to APIs, etc. 

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