Saturday, December 14, 2013

pluralsight "Play by Play"

Play by Play: Scott Allen and Dan Wahlin - @pluralsight:
"Have you ever wished that you could sit next to a skilled developer or designer as they develop an application from scratch at their own speed with their own choice of tools? In this series, we give talented developers a project to work on from scratch. We talk through it as they design and develop in real time for about 2 hours. Scott and Dan use pair programming to tackle a project with AngularJS, Bootstrap, and Web API..."

It is fascinating to see progress of evolution in online learning. Pluralsight has a very good business model, and is in fact innovating quickly.

While idea of MOOCs is noble and important, without real market feedback its progress will be limited. Udacity is already trying to adjust, but for a different market...

Bootstrap is very useful, but not enough for developers :)

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