Saturday, December 14, 2013

Freebase data, API, MQL (Metaweb Query Language)

MQL Overview - Freebase API — Google Developers:
"The MQL Read and MQL Write APIs provides access to the Freebase database using the Metaweb query language (MQL)."

Freebase, now owned and used by Google, is essentially realization of limited Semantic Web based on data from available sources, such as Wikipedia / Wikidata.

It is apparently implemented as a graph system (database?)
and it also has own query language MQL, based on JavaScript and returning JSON.

As expected, there is also ontology (vocabulary, taxonomy, metaschema)
used for schema and queries.

The raw data are also available as RDF triples data-dumps.

Freebase data is used for Google search results (Knowledge Graph),
and even Microsoft Bing is using Freebase data from their "snapshots".
Being a Super Villain Just Got Easier with Bing Snapshots - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

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