Monday, December 31, 2012

Tesla Model X official reveal

Tesla Model X official reveal - YouTube
"If you drive electric car in California, 
you create only 25% of CO2 compared to a gasoline car,
assuming you are using electricity from the standard grid."

This is interesting statistics...
So Tesla is on the mission to make great electric cars to save the world.

Tizen - another mobile platform

Tizen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Tizen is an operating system for multiple device categories including smartphones, tablets, in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) devices, smart TVs, and more. Tizen offers a consistent user experience that consumers can take from device to device. Tizen is open source and standards-based software. Its main components are the Linux kernel, the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries[2] (EFL) and the WebKit runtime."

Samsung reportedly set to sell its first Tizen-based smartphone in 2013

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Take Screenshots in Windows 8

How to Take Screenshots (And Crop Them) in Windows 8 « Operating Systems

On the Surface RT, you can easily take a screenshot of the entire display by holding the Windows button and Volume Up button simultaneously.

taking a screenshot in desktop mode is quite simple using the Snipping Tool, Microsoft's own screenshot app first introduced in Vista.
But this only works on "Desktop" mode, not in "Tiles/Modern" Start page.

To take a screenshot of the Start Screen:
On the Start Screen, hit the Windows key and the Print Screen key.
This will take a screenshot of the entire screen.
Next is manual paste to Paint or some other imaging program and save to file.

For some reasons trusted "Cropper" tool does not seem to work on (at least some) Windows 8 computers.

iPhone magic spinning photo app

"Cycloramic" App is able to rotate iPhone
by "just right amount of vibration"
and take 360 degree panorama photos.

Steve Wozniak praises panorama app that spins iPhone - Telegraph

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Sideloading Android Apps

Testing application created by online PhoneGap Builder
requires installing app package to an Andorid device.

This is done by copy of .apk file to a folder on the device
(i.e. over USB), and enabling "Unknown Sources" in "Security" settings.

After this, need a file manage app to navigate to the folder with the file.
Metago's Astro File Manager works as expected.
Just "tap" on the file, accept to install, and that is it.

How to Sideload Android Apps | Maximum PC

Sideloading Android Apps on an Emulator

Self Portrait on Mars (NASA Curiosity)

Curiosity plays peekaboo: New self-shot before 9-month mountain climb - SlashGear

NASA keeps to re-refine what "complex" mean...
Nothing is too complex for a robot, as long as a program is there...

ASP.NET Single Page Apps Template

Inside the ASP.NET Single Page Apps Template | John Papa

Modern web applications, such as email (gmail, hotmail/outlook, yahoo mail), maps, etc
are often implemented in JavaScript and running inside of "single page" in web browsers.
The data are retrieved and send to web server as JSON (or XML),
and HTML UI rendering is done by JavaScript without getting whole HTML from the server.

Needless to say, such applications can get complicated quickly.
ASP.NET team is preparing a template that could structure and simplify making such apps,
by including various JavaScript libraries and generating basic code.

A big motivation for this approach is also support for mobile device,
even for mobile apps. Same JavaScript package could be bundled with thin wrapper (i.e. PhoneGap) and run as "native" app on iOS, Android or Windows Phone 8, and even Windows 8 RT.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Best-Performing CEOs in the World

An example of data visualization...

1. Steve Jobs (Apple)
2. Jeff Bezos (Amazon)
3. Samsung former CEO

The Best-Performing CEOs in the World - Harvard Business Review

Value of Apple stock from 1997 to 2011 (14 years) increased more than 66 times.
That is annual growth of about 35%.

Amazon stock value from 1996 to 2012 (16 years)increased more than 124 times.
That is annual growth of about 35% also.

Samsung, growth of 15.6 times in 12 years is annual about 26%.

Hyundai, 20 times in 13 years, about 26% a year.

In a year since Apple changed CEO, stock first doubled (from about $350 to $700), and then fallen to about $550.

China High-Speed Rail Lines

China Officially Opens World’s Longest High-Speed Rail Line « VOA Breaking News:
"The world's longest high-speed rail line began operations in China Wednesday.
 2,298-kilometer Beijing-to-Guangzhou
Trains on the new route will travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which will reduce the travel time between Beijing and the southern economic hub from more than 20 hours to just eight.."

Here is a more complete information... apparently this impressive achievement
is not financially sound, and there are some other related issues...

China's high speed rail march stumbles?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Chrome "REST Console" plugin tool

REST Console @ Chrome Store

REST Console is an HTTP Request Visualizer and Constructor tool, helps developers build, debug and test RESTful APIs.

JSV Format

Included as data serialization option with ServiceStack,
"JSV" is a optimized for speed and simplicity.

JSV Format:
"JSV Text Format (JSON + CSV)
Type Serializer uses a hybrid CSV-style escaping + JavaScript-like text-based format that is optimized for both size and speed"

C#: new MyClass { A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4 }
JSV: {A:1,B:2,C:3,D:4}

JSV is white-space significant, which means normal string values can be serialized without quotes, e.g:

C#: new MyClass { Foo="Bar", Greet="Hello World!"} is serialized as
JSV: {Foo:Bar,Greet:Hello World!}

CSV escaping
Any string with any of the following characters: []{}," is escaped using CSV-style escaping where the value is wrapped in double quotes, e.g:

C#: new MyClass { Name = "Me, Junior" }
JSV: {Name:"Me, Junior"}

C#: new MyClass { Size = "2\" x 1\"" }
JSV: {Size:"2"" x 1"""}

So why bother? The answer is: performance.
When both ends of communication (i.e. client & server)
support more optimal format, it makes sense to use it.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Oracle Berkeley DB + SQLite

Oracle Berkeley DB: SQL

Berkeley DB is a high-performance key-value store (NoSQL)
that is around for more than 15 years.
Now it can be also combined with SQLite to enable SQL interface to data.

Embedded DB for .NET: SQL CE 4.0 vs SQLite

Benchmarking the Performance of Embedded DB for .NET: SQL CE 4.0 vs SQLite - CodeProject

WinRT (Windows 8 Store Apps) SDK does not include ANY database tool.
Maybe Microsoft wants to promote saving data to "cloud".
Problem is that devices are not always connected to cloud,
and speed of local storage is usually much better than online.

So people are using same SQLite open source db
that is included in both iOS and Android,
as well as Firefox and Chrome browsers.
And while SQLite is in fact quite fast,
SQL CE 4.0 embedded database is apparently faster.
SQLite can be "tuned" to be faster for insert/update,
by disabling auto-transaction on each record insert/update.
After this adjustment, insert speed then becomes faster than SQL CE
So, using SQLite makes sense for WinRT, same as for iOS and Android...
SQLite does not have db size limit (Max DB size is 4 GB with SQL CE)
Here are some results of my tests.
The test is simplistic, inserting one integer id and one random string (guid)
to a database table, and then reading same number of records in random order by id.
Test computer is 3.2+ GHz, Windows 8, with SATA3 SSD, .NET 4.5, C#, x86 (DLLs are 32-bit).
Total number of records is 1000000 (to get meaningful time)

Data StoreInsertSelectFile Size
SQLite 3.600:00:13.936797400:00:47.372360146 MB
SQLCE 4.000:01:07.223511100:02:36.730071363 MB
CSV (UTF8)00:00:01.461184400:00:01.4281937
44 MB
XML (XmlDocument)00:00:05.715725400:00:04.0695283
66 MB

With auto-transactions for individual inserts turned of, SQLite is significantly faster than SQL CE, both for inserts (5 times) and selects (3.5 times).
But "raw" text write and read (CSV file) is order of magnitude faster.
Read and write of XML is in the middle between just text and DB
. CSV and XML take some time to be loaded in memory Dictionary (first "select" time),
and with random read from memory takes just a little bit more time.
So, maybe Microsoft designers are right not to include "classic" db API to WinRT.
XML (and JSON) are much faster, and still flexible enough...
For typical apps that may be just what is needed...
@ StackOverflow and here
ADO.NET 2.0 Provider for SQLite

2012 IT Skills and Salary Report

2012 IT Skills and Salary Report

For the fifth year in a row, Global Knowledge and TechRepublic have partnered to create a comprehensive IT salary survey. With more than 9,500 responses, the 2012 report has turned out to be one of this year's most relevant and revealing salary surveys in the industry.

list of Salaries by Popular Certifications and Salaries by State.

Unconventional and Ultra-Modern Real Estate

Unconventional and Ultra-Modern Real Estate | Zillow Blog

"Modern doesn’t fit inside a box.
While sometimes a modern home is box-like, (or a series of boxes), modern can be round, triangular or even incorporate wave patterns.
All one-of-a-kind, all contemporary, here are modern homes across the U.S."

Like Windows 8 "Modern" GUI... it's all boxes :)

Eclipse / IBM "Orion" Cloud / Web Based IDE

Orion: "Open Source Platform For Cloud Based Development"

@ InfoQ

Exo "Cloud" IDE

While there is quite clear expectation of what is "cloud computing", term "cloud" is increasingly used as a synonym for Web (WWW) technologies...

"Cloud" has a clear advantage for developers,
since it can provide great performance, reliability, ease of access, teamwork etc.

One of significant challenges in Facebook is "long compile time". (no surprise, they are using PHP => C++, and C++ compilers are generally slow).

Google also has solution for this: "build in the cloud",
in memory of servers...

Microsoft is actively working on Roslyn "compiler as a service",
that will likely be usable from a web based UI also.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Big Challenges, then and now

Big Challenges | On Point with Tom Ashbrook

Once we went to the Moon. Now we make smartphone apps.
We’ll talk about really taking on our big challenges, with big ambition again.

Apparently "moon shot" was quite simple, in retrospect...

MIT Technology Review: "Big Problems Big Solutions"

Buying Up The Neighborhood

Buying Up The Neighborhood | On Point with Tom Ashbrook

American housing – single family homes – went down hard in the crash... There are new buyers in town. Very big money – Wall Street players on down – right now buying lots and lots of single family homes.

ITU vs. Internet Freedom

Final Document

WCIT-12 Final Acts Signatories

Green are names of countries with governments that prefer control over freedom...
Not good, whatever the reasoning against freedom.

A free and open world depends on a free and open web.
The Future Of Internet Freedom

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brazilian 'iPhone' that runs Android -- legally

Brazilian company selling 'iPhone' that runs Android -- legally - San Jose Mercury News

Brazilian company Gradiente filed its request to use the iPhone brand in 2000, and got it approved in 2008. Its 'iPhone' runs on Android 2.3, has 3.7" screen, and costs $300.

Google/Asus Nexus 7 & Windows USB

ASUS Android USB Driver

Nexus 7 not visible to adb over usb (WIndows 7 x64, up to date Jelly Bean sdk) - Google Groups

When the Nexus 7 is plugged in there is a persistent notification that indicates "CONNECT AS / Media Device (MTP)". In this state adb devices will not show the Nexus. Not exactly obvious why, but I you select the second option "Camera (PTP)" the device is available for debugging.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

MSDN (free) Learning: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Microsoft Virtual Academy

Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start

Exam 70-480: (free with code HTMLJMP until 2013-03-31)

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Why is Microsoft pushing HTML5 so hard?
Likely because this will make current iOS and Android
advantage in numbers less relevant, since HTML5 apps are mostly portable. Plus, there is many more developers familiar with web than with Objective-C or even Java.

Fastbook: HTML5 app faster than native iOS Facebook app

Sencha is making HTML5 tools.
Recently, Facebook decided that HTML5 is just not fast enough, so they created native app for iPhone.
Sencha has now demonstrated that HTML5 app could be faster than native!

The Making of Fastbook: An HTML5 Love Story | Blog | Sencha

Sencha Fastbook from Sencha on Vimeo.

MIT Wireless Electricity

MIT Makes Breakthrough in Wireless Electricity - Emerging Technology - News -

The research team was able to light the 60-watt bulb from one coil to the other coil two meters (6.56 feet) away. The first trial experiment of WiTricity had a 40 percent efficiency rate, explained Karalis. That is, 40 percent of the power from the first coil made it to the light bulb, leaving 60 percent of energy absorbed by the wire.

Majestic Mountains panoramic theme - Microsoft Windows

Majestic Mountains panoramic theme - Microsoft Windows

When multiple monitors are connected to a Windows PC (7, 8)
each monitor has a separate picture from the selected theme.

Apparently there are also special collections with multiple related images
to be displayed together and form a "panoramic" photos. Great.

Nordic Landscapes theme - Microsoft Windows

Nordic Landscapes theme - Microsoft Windows

Tablet Surface is promoted even with Windows "Themes", collections of background images for Windows desktop.

Besides focus on "tiles" start page, there is still a "desktop" even on Windows RT...

Monday, December 17, 2012

NASA Moon GRAIL, Ebb & Flow

NASA crashes two orbiters into moon mountain - Computerworld

NASA announced that the mission, dubbed GRAIL for Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory, was a success, giving them the highest resolution gravity field map of any celestial body.
Along with its primary science instrument, each orbiter carried a camera that took more than 115,000 images of the lunar surface. Before the mission began, groups of middle school students voted on what areas of the moon the cameras should target. The images are being sent to those students as part of the planetary studies program.

Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 "Office 2013 is more "cloud-based" than previous versions.
This is notable as the default save location is the user's SkyDrive.

Office 2013 reached RTM milestone on October 11, 2012.[1] Microsoft has planned general availability release for the first quarter of 2013.[1]"

Since Office 2010 there is also a x64 version, besides standard x86 (32-bit).

For "standard" users, the x86 version is recommended.
For users who are going to use Excel for PowerPivot, the x64 version is recommended.

Windows Azure Mobile Services Dev Center

Windows Azure Mobile Services Dev Center:

"Azure Mobile" is in fact universal back-end web service
for storing and sharing data from "Apps",
that could be Windows 8, Windows Phone, iOS, Android,
even regular Web apps...

The service is free (for up to 10 instances),
and it is running on node.js with SQL Azure back-end.

A very nice feature are auto-generated complete sample apps
for Windows 8, Windows Phone 8 and iOS (!)

Installing all required tools and SDKs is quite involved process...
Not too hard, just takes time...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Apple & Samsung, Profit & Spending

Apple and Samsung combined account for 98% of mobile industry profits,
according to research from analyst firms Asymco and VisionMobile. expenditures of the major mobile industry players clearly shows a two-horse expenditure race that matches the industry's profit race.

Apple and Samsung mobile monsters: 'We only eat RAW CASH' • The Register

Hyper-V: How to get back the control of cursor

How to get back the control of cursor again during the installation of OS (such as WinXP, Windows 2000 server) in Virtual Server or Hyper V environment:

"Use CTRL + ALT + Left Arrow to release the mouse.

You can change the release key to something else by going into the Hyper-V Settings in the Hyper-V Server Manager. It's defined in the User section under Mouse Release Key."

Stop Handgun Violence

OnPoint Radio: Special Report: Tragedy In Connecticut

Stop Handgun Violence: Home


A gun in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in an unintentional shooting,
than to be used to injure or kill in self-defense.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Google in Search of Singularity

Ray Kurzweil Joins Google In Full-Time Engineering Director Role; Will Focus On Machine Learning, Language Processing | TechCrunch:

Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are known to be keenly interested in the theory of an upcoming “technological singularity,” a time when human beings and artificially intelligent machines will sync up to push innovation forward at an unprecedentedly fast rate. Kurzweil is one of the most prominent individuals associated with the singularity movement.

Big Asteroid Tumbles Harmlessly Past Earth - NASA Science

Big Asteroid Tumbles Harmlessly Past Earth - NASA Science

"At closest approach on Dec. 12th, asteroid 4179 Toutatis will be 7 million km away or 18 times farther than the Moon.

Asteroid Toutatis is well known to astronomers; it passes by Earth’s orbit every 4 years. Measuring 4.5 km in length, it is one of the largest known potentially hazardous asteroids (PHAs), and its orbit is inclined less than half-a-degree from Earth's."

Windows 7 & 8 "Arrow Keys" Shortcuts

Windows 8 Start "Tiles" is forcing users (like me)
to search for faster ways to navigate between apps.

Now that they have "moved my cheese" (start menu),
keyboard shortcuts are more attractive...

Findings of the day:

Windows key + Up Arrow: Maximize current window
Windows key + Down Arrow: Minimize/restore current window
Windows key + Home: Minimize all but the current window
Windows key + Left Arrow: Tile window on the left side of the screen
Windows key + Right Arrow: Tile window on the right side of the screen
Windows key + Shift + Up Arrow: Extend current window from the top to the bottom of the screen
Windows key + Shift + Left/Right Arrow: Move the current window from one monitor to the next

List of Windows 8 Shortcuts - Yash's Blog - Site Home - MSDN Blogs:

Official list of Windows 7 Shortcuts (apply for Windows 8 also)

New keyboard shortcuts for Windows 8 and Windows RT

My conclusion is that keyboard is an essential part of Windows computer, so instead of attempting to out-touch iPad, Windows tablets could be convertible "netbooks", like Lenovo Yoga
(current 11.6"/32GB price with coupon: $665.00)
Weight of 2.8 lb is not impressive light... price of "real" keyboard and larger screen.

Hyper-V Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Hyper-V Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Windows Server 2012 comes with many useful PowerShell "cmdlets" scripts
for managing many features of the server, including Hyper-V
The user still needs to be an admin to manage VMs, by default.
There is a (complicated) procedure to allow non-admin users to manage Hyper-V.

Allowing non-Administrators to control Hyper-V

Manage Hyper-V Server 2012 Remotely

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is Windows 8’s Lack of Windows a Mistake?

podcast interview:

Is Windows 8’s Lack of Windows a Mistake? - IEEE Spectrum:
"Usability guru Jakob Nielsen says Microsoft’s new OS takes a giant step backward"

Recently, software guru Jakob Nielsen gave Windows 8 a thorough vetting, with usability testing on both desktops and tablets. His verdict? Journalist Preston Gralla of Computerworld summed it up this way: “Windows 8 is bad on tablets and even worse on PCs. [Nielsen] blames dueling interfaces, reduced ‘discoverability,’ ‘low information density,’ and more.”

I think this is just "version 1" of new Microsoft product. The platform is much better (faster, more secure) than Windows 7, and the GUI will (need to) evolve...

LCD Monitor Tests

LCD Color Test

On a good monitor, you should see roughly equal steps in brightness over the full range from 1 to 32, and in all colors. Bar 1 should be visible.
A bad monitor will not show the leftmost few rectangles, will not show a difference between the rightmost few, or shows a relatively large jump between numbers 31 and 32.

Swap Left & Right Monitor on Windows 7 & 8

It is VERY non-intuitive how to configure Windows 7 & 8 with two monitors,
that correct monitor is on the left and right.
Otherwise, the mouse to move from right monitors needs to go to RIGHT side to go to left monitor.

The solution is super simple (when you figure it out):

Multiple Display Swapping Support?

on the desktop, select Screen Resolution,
and drag the Monitor 1 icon to the other side of the Monitor 2 icon

Second Monitor to My PC

Good bye, IT Conversations

IT Conversations is first major podcast ever created.
After almost 10 years, it has ended.
Thank you for all great programs over all those years!

Doug Kaye | All's Well That Ends Well

Doug Kaye created the IT Conversations podcast in 2003 and founded The Conversations Network in 2005. He served as the Network’s Executive Director through the end of 2012, when it ceased production of new programs.

Why C++ Is Not “Back” « Making the Complex Simple

Why C++ Is Not “Back” « Making the Complex Simple:

Now don’t get me wrong. C++11 is fantastic! I am in just about 100% agreement with all of the changes that have been made. C++ has definitely become much easier to use and it has even become more powerful.

There is one thing it didn’t become though—and this is the most important—more simple.

"Service Stack" framework

Open source .NET and Mono REST Web Services framework "Service Stack"
is "opinionated" about simplicity and performance.

It is solving similar tasks as Microsoft's ASP.NET Web API, but it is simpler and faster.
It also includes a simple ORM, again much simpler and faster than Micrsofot's "out-of-the-box"
Entity Framework.
It does a few times faster serialization than JSON.Net, another open source tool that Microsoft is now including with Visual Studio.
It can even do SOAP, much better than Microsoft's WCF...

Service Stack is created by a Demis Bellot (mythz) who used to work for
I would not be surprised that Microsoft ASP.NET "embrace" this new tool in some form soon...

Hanselminutes Technology Podcast - More on Service Stack with John Sonmez:

Pluralsight training

Added 2013-02-13:
Podcast interview with Demis Bellot, creator of on ServiceStack @.NET Rocks!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

$444 per U.S. Household for Apple products In 2011

Apple Spending Per U.S. Household Climbs To $444 In 2011: Report:

"According to U.S. Census Bureau statistics, there are about 115 million households in the country, which means that if the average household spends $444, Americans spent almost $51 billion on Apple products last year."

$295 in 2010 and more than double the $150 we shelled out in 2007
could double again to $888 by 2015.

Over the past six months, $1 out of every $25 spent on tech products went to Apple, 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Asus Laptop made of Glass

Asus Aspire S7

Radically thin, supremely strong, scratch resistant and easy to clean: White Gorilla® Glass 2 makes the beauty of the 13.3" Aspire S7 Series gleam at an ultra-thin 11.9 mm.

Obviously, this Full HD Ultrabook is also Touchscreen.
As Hanselman claims, all laptops will be touchscreen in a year...

Sunday, December 09, 2012

LCD Panel Technology - S-IPS, VA, Super PLS and TN Monitors

LCD Panel Technology - S-IPS, VA, Super PLS and TN Monitors

Unlike most 8-bit IPS/VA based panels, TN is only 6-bit and unable to display the full 16.7 million colors available in 24-bit true color. They can mimick the 16.7 million colors of 8-bit panels using a technique called dithering, but the results are unimpressive. TN panels have become popular with the average computer user because they are very inexpensive and currently dominate the LCD display market in availability.
In-Plane Switching (IPS) LCD @ Wikipedia
IPS LCD Revolution by Jeff Atwood (Coding Horror)

Not All LCD Panels Are Created Equal

Top 23- and 24-Inch Monitors @ PC World, # Jun 3, 2012

Eye-Catching 24-Inch Monitors @ PC World

IPS monitors @ Best Buy

Best Ultrabook: 18 top thin and lights

Best Ultrabook: 18 top thin and lights for 2012 | News | TechRadar

"The best way to think of an Ultrabook is a MacBook Air that isn't made by Apple, a netbook that isn't underpowered or a laptop that's been on a crash diet."

Lenovo Yoga 13

Philip Greenspun is asking what is
Best 13 inch windows laptop?

Jeff Atwood has the answer:
Lenovo Yoga 13 - Buy Lenovo Yoga 13 Online and View the IdeaPad Features | Lenovo | (US)

Before this he suggested The Last PC Laptop,
ASUS Zenbook UX32VD-DB71 13.3-Inch Ultrabook
but apparently that was not not universal enough...
Or convertible does not count as a laptop, so he can get them both :)

In fact, a compromise may be ASUS VivoBook S400CA-DH51T 14.1-Inch Touch Ultrabook

with 24GB SSD/ 500 GB HD combo, and touchscreen, for less than $700.

There will be many more touchscreen laptops soon, since they are in demand...

Friday, December 07, 2012

Windows Store: AppMock by Telerik

AppMock by Telerik app for Windows in the Windows Store

Windows RT/8 Apps can be installed directly from a web link,
when viewed from Internet Explorer (on Windows 8).

This free app helps create GUI for Windows Store apps.

More info from Jesse Liberty

Microsoft free training and exam for HTML5 Apps

Developing in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 Jump Start - Microsoft Virtual Academy:

Microsoft free training, and free exam in HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3 development,
usable both for web apps and Windows (8/RT) Store Apps.

Microsoft Surface RT: Touch Cover vs. Type Cover

Touch Cover vs. Type Cover: Empirical test data doesn't lie! | PCWorld

Microsoft's tablet Surface comes as 2 optional keyboars:
"real" one (type) and "flat" (touch).

After briefly trying them both,
it is confusing why did they even consider "touch cover" ($119).
"Type cover" ($129) is a very good keybard. "Touch" is barely usable.

In both cases, the price is quite high for a keyboard...
Microsoft is already selling many keyboards,
could make some real money by selling "type cover" for iPads and Androids :)

Made in USA: iPhone, iPad "Engine"

Apple uses U.S.-made 'engine' for iPhone, iPad | Apple - CNET News:

Apple CEO: "It's not known well that the engine (CPU) for the iPhone and iPad is made in the U.S., and many of these are also exported.... The glass is made in Kentucky," he said today to Bloomberg."

Apple A5 and A6 chips -- is something the U.S. excels at. Intel fabricates the engines for the Mac and PC industry at multibillion-dollar "fabs" (or fabrication facilities) in the U.S. And Globalfoundries and IBM make processors on a smaller scale in New York.
In Apple's case, the A5 and A6 processors are made in Texas (by Samsung presumably, though Apple has never confirmed this).

Microsoft "Fakes" Testing Framework, Stub vs Shim

Isolating Code under Test with Microsoft Fakes

Fakes come in two flavors:

  • A stub replaces another class with a small substitute that implements the same interface. To use stubs, you have to design your application so that each component depends only on interfaces, and not on other components. (By "component" we mean a class or group of classes that are designed and updated together and typically contained in an assembly.) (replacing methods that you could override)

  • A shim modifies the compiled code of your application at run time so that instead of making a specified method call, it runs the shim code that your test provides. Shims can be used to replace calls to assemblies that you cannot modify, such .NET assemblies. (non virtual methods, that you can not override)
  • Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter

    Very interesting podcast interview and a book
    with stories about Lincoln, Churchill and other prominent leaders
    that ware essential in some critically important situations.

    Bottom line: when a organization or society is in a desperate situation,
    non-ordinary leaders are needed to turn things around.

    Indispensable: When Leaders Really Matter - Harvard Business Review