Saturday, December 29, 2012

ASP.NET Single Page Apps Template

Inside the ASP.NET Single Page Apps Template | John Papa

Modern web applications, such as email (gmail, hotmail/outlook, yahoo mail), maps, etc
are often implemented in JavaScript and running inside of "single page" in web browsers.
The data are retrieved and send to web server as JSON (or XML),
and HTML UI rendering is done by JavaScript without getting whole HTML from the server.

Needless to say, such applications can get complicated quickly.
ASP.NET team is preparing a template that could structure and simplify making such apps,
by including various JavaScript libraries and generating basic code.

A big motivation for this approach is also support for mobile device,
even for mobile apps. Same JavaScript package could be bundled with thin wrapper (i.e. PhoneGap) and run as "native" app on iOS, Android or Windows Phone 8, and even Windows 8 RT.

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