Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Is Windows 8’s Lack of Windows a Mistake?

podcast interview:

Is Windows 8’s Lack of Windows a Mistake? - IEEE Spectrum:
"Usability guru Jakob Nielsen says Microsoft’s new OS takes a giant step backward"

Recently, software guru Jakob Nielsen gave Windows 8 a thorough vetting, with usability testing on both desktops and tablets. His verdict? Journalist Preston Gralla of Computerworld summed it up this way: “Windows 8 is bad on tablets and even worse on PCs. [Nielsen] blames dueling interfaces, reduced ‘discoverability,’ ‘low information density,’ and more.”

I think this is just "version 1" of new Microsoft product. The platform is much better (faster, more secure) than Windows 7, and the GUI will (need to) evolve...

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