Tuesday, December 10, 2024

business story: Duolingo: $9B, 100M users

 Why Duolingo Worked (with Luis von Ahn, CEO): The Complete History and Strategy @ Acquired podcast

"Duolingo has fundamentally changed the landscape of self-guided education, starting with language learning. It is now a $9B publicly traded company in a space where everyone thought you could never build a large and exciting company. We’re joined by Duolingo founder and CEO, Luis von Ahn"

  • How Duolingo became a leader in the gamification and mobile-first movements in the early 2010s
  • How the company balances rigorous experimentation with gut instinct to build an app with customer experience at its core
  • The backstory of Duolingo’s “unhinged, yet wholesome” green owl mascot trending on your TikTok feed

about a hundred million monthly active users

about 45% of active users are learning English. English alone accounts for 45% of users, and that’s mostly outside of the US. In terms of users, about 20% of active users are in the US and the other 80% are outside. In terms of revenue, about half comes from the US.

monthly active users, only about 9% pay. The other 91% do not pay (advertising)

very well-suited for AI

Duolingo employs around 850 people.

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