Saturday, May 25, 2024

.NET Aspire: Cloud Native in Azure

"Learn about .NET Aspire, an opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications."

".NET Aspire is an opinionated, cloud ready stack for building observable, production ready, distributed applications. .NET Aspire is delivered through a collection of NuGet packages that handle specific cloud-native concerns. Cloud-native apps often consist of small, interconnected pieces or microservices rather than a single, monolithic code base. Cloud-native apps generally consume a large number of services, such as databases, messaging, and caching."

"How do you build cloud-native applications in Azure? Carl and Richard talk to Scott Hunter about how Microsoft tooling is evolving to develop cloud-native applications - starting with the vital idea that all cloud-native apps are multiple applications! 

Scott talks about how most development tools focus on individual applications and how dealing with multiple applications, including cloud apps, can be challenging. Cloud apps need telemetry, resiliency, and service discovery - which brings the conversation to tooling like

.NET Aspire, designed to lead developers down the path to cloud-native applications with all these features and more..." 

Frequently asked questions about .NET Aspire | Microsoft Learn

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