Wednesday, April 03, 2024

pglite: Postgres in WASM for TypeScript

electric-sql/pglite: Lightweight Postgres packaged as WASM into a TypeScript library for the browser, Node.js, Bun and Deno

PGlite is a WASM Postgres build packaged into a TypeScript client library that enables you to run Postgres in the browser, Node.js and Bun, with no need to install any other dependencies. It is only 3.7mb gzipped.

electric-sql/electric: Local-first sync layer for web and mobile apps. Build reactive, realtime, local-first apps directly on Postgres.

Local-first sync layer for web and mobile apps. Build reactive, realtime, local-first apps directly on Postgres.

Local-first is a new development paradigm where your app code talks directly to an embedded local database and data syncs in the background via active-active database replication. Because the app code talks directly to a local database, apps feel instant. Because data syncs in the background via active-active replication it naturally supports multi-user collaboration and conflict-free offline.

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