Wednesday, March 27, 2024

AI + C programming mastery

a skeptical view on autonomy new programming tools...
and hopeful vision of future where such tools are helping productivity
AI just replaced us with Devin... seriously? Dr Chuck! - YouTube

a class mentioned that a good foundational knowledge of C programming 
is a basis of mastery and ability to learn quickly any new tool or language
CC4E - C Programming for Everybody

this is a public version of essential C programming book

book & source code 
csev/cc4e: C Programming for Everybody @GitHub
cc4e/book/code at master · csev/cc4e @GitHub

video "reading" or the book
Learn C Programming with Dr. Chuck (feat. classic book by Kernighan and Ritchie) - YouTube

previous popular course from the same author 
PY4E - Python for Everybody

related course
C for Everyone: Programming Fundamentals Course (UCSC) | Coursera

Free online C (and other languages) compilers

C complier in Docker container image

Original co-author of the referenced book

some C language tutorials online

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