Tuesday, January 02, 2024

tool: SQL Formatter/Beautifier: online, VScode, github

SQL Formatter & Beautifier Online

SQL Formatter - Visual Studio Marketplace (VS Code extension)

kufii/vscode-sql-formatter: Format sql files using the sql-formatter npm package @GitHub source

based on JavaScript module

kufii/sql-formatter-plus: A whitespace formatter for different query languages @GitHub

fork of

sql-formatter-org/sql-formatter: A whitespace formatter for different query languages @GitHub

It supports various SQL dialects: GCP BigQuery, IBM DB2, Apache Hive, MariaDB, MySQL, Couchbase N1QL, Oracle PL/SQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Redshift, SingleStoreDB, Snowflake, Spark, SQL Server Transact-SQL, Trino (and Presto).

alternative VS Code extension

Prettier SQL VSCode - Visual Studio Marketplace

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