Sunday, December 03, 2023

NET Blazor’s vs. React

 Beyond JavaScript: Exploring .NET Blazor’s Challenge to React | by Sascha Klomp | Oct, 2023 | ITNEXT

NET Blazor is an open-source web development framework which was created by Microsoft in 2018. This framework is used for building interactive client-side web UIs using .NET and C# (compiled to WASM = WebAssembly) It can be considered a descendant of Razor pages, which was previously used with an MVC approach for full stack .NET development.
Blazor has been made with modern web development in mind, supporting a couple of different scenarios:

  • Server-side rendering by pushing DOM diff updates through WebSockets
  • Client-side rendering by running in WebAssembly (WASM) and updating the DOM through JS interoperability
  • Hybrid implementation by integrating Blazor with native desktop and mobile frameworks MAUI or WPF
Blazor is supported by the most popular modern browsers.

Microsoft is using React

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