Saturday, March 18, 2023

GoLang, Google: Service Weaver: monolith => microservices

Introducing Service Weaver: A Framework for Writing Distributed Applications | Google Open Source Blog

A new open-source framework from Google that lets you “write your (Go) application as a modular monolith and deploy it as a set of microservices” to get the best of both worlds, namely: “the development velocity of a monolith, with the scalability, security, and fault-tolerance of microservices.” If you fancy something more technical and less salesy, Robert Grandl has a quick introduction here.

A Quick Introduction to Service Weaver

Service Weaver is a programming framework for writing, deploying, and managing distributed applications in Go. With Service Weaver, you write your application like it is a traditional, single-process Go executable that runs on your local machine. Then, you deploy it to the Cloud, and the framework breaks it down into a set of connected microservices and integrates it with the cloud provider (e.g., monitoring, tracing, logging).

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