Wednesday, December 14, 2022

AWS certification preparation materials

From my experience, trying many tools and materials, and passing many certifications,
Udemy provides optimal combination of preparation classes (videos) and “practice tests” (quizzes).

Doing those test quizzes is essential, since this is similar to actual certification exams,
and just learning material is not sufficient: need speed, since exam time is quite limited,
and the only good way to gain speed is to practice, practice, and practice more :)

Compared to Pluralsight for example, Udemy has much more up-to-date classes, and broader selection.

Some of same classes from Udemy are also available on separate dedicated platforms as subscriptions
while usually Udemy is sufficient. The price of classes is often significantly reduced, so usually should not pay more than $15 per class, just ignore list price and wait for sale. There is one ending today for example, but they keep coming every a few weeks.

Udemy subscription is also available "for free" from some local libraries too, over "Gale" system.
Udemy for Libraries | Burlington County Library (NJ)


Not all authors are the same quality or style, so sometimes it is personal prefference.
A good feature of Udemy that one can "preview" classes before puchasing,
and if not satisfied can also return within of a time period. No risk puchase.

My #1 recommendation for AWS training is Stephane Maarek  ("Data Cumulus" brand)
Slight French accent, excellent knowledge and style. Both videos and quizzes.
Also great "big data" classes form the same teacher
Stéphane Maarek | LinkedIn
Stephane Maarek - YouTube

Also very good and useful classes are from Zeal Vora 
Slight Indian accent, and clear step by step explanations. 
Many excellent DevOps classes from the same instructor (Terraform, Kubernetes)
Zeal Vora | LinkedIn

A very solid choice is also Neal Davis ("Digital Cloud Training")
slight Australian accent, good explanations, also very good quizzes.
Neal Davis | LinkedIn

Finally, most optimized practice tests are from Jon Bonso of "Tutorials Dojo"
Jon Bonso | LinkedIn

There are many more good authors and useful classes on Udemy,  as well as on other sites.
So it always helps to investigate first and find your optimal style and teacher.

Final note: have fun learning and practice.
Don't ignore details, and make sure to master quizzes before the exams. 
Take time, and learn every day. It is a marathon, not a sprint.
Accept the complexity, it is just the way it is, that is part of beauty of learning. 

Upgrade your resume with the AWS Certified Big Data — Specialty Certification | AWS Big Data Blog

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