Tuesday, July 12, 2022

video clips search tool: KlipTok

KlipTok was built entirely with .NET 6, Blazor Web Assembly, Azure Functions, Azure Static Websites, Azure Storage, and Azure Search. A writeup of the architecture 

csharpfritz (csharpfritz) / Repositories @GitHub

Indexing Video using KlipTok with Jeff Fritz @.NET Rocks! vNext

"How do you find a great video clip after the fact? Carl and Richard talk to Jeff Fritz about his work building KlipTok, a tool for making Twitch video clips more discoverable and shareable. Jeff digs into the tricky bits of KlipTok, which is all about fast indexing and searching to get to the right clip. The conversation digs into various data storage techniques and using the cloud in a way that doesn't break the bank" + links:

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