Tuesday, June 28, 2022

WebGL (three.js) Chess: chessboard3js

jtiscione/chessboard3js: WebGL chessboard library @GitHub

chessboard3.js is a standalone JavaScript chess board based on WebGL that mirrors the API of the widely used chessboard.js 2D board library by Chris Oakman. It is designed to be a drop-in replacement for chessboard.js and should run with any existing client code that currently uses chessboard.js to display a 2D board.

demo: chessboard3.js

schowdhuri/chess: Two-player chess: WebGL 3D @GitHub (MIT)

demo: Chess

nathanfriend Projects: WebGL Chess

WebGL Chess

nfriend/webgl-chess: Final project for HCI 557: Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling at Iowa State University @GitHub (GPLv3)

This project is built with the following technologies:

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