Saturday, July 18, 2020

MemSQL for ML/AL, not just in-memory db

Logo memsql color trans-bg 400x240.svgOperationalizing ML/AI with MemSQL with Nikita Shamgunov, CEO of MemSQL (Practical AI #94) |> News and podcasts for developers |> Changelog

MemSQL is The Database of Now™ Powering Modern Applications and Analytical Systems

MemSQL is the cloud-native operational database built for speed and scale. Tested and proven as the world’s fastest database for ML, AI, & operational analytics. ANSI SQL. Fast Query Response. Hybrid Flexibility. Multi-Cloud. Fast Ingest. Highly Scalable.

MemSQL - Wikipedia

Rather than the traditional B-tree index, MemSQL uses skiplists optimized for fast, lock-free processing in memory. Due to its fully distributed nature, MemSQL is fully scalable, and it achieves high speeds for time-critical processing of large data sets. MemSQL is compatible with the MySQL wire protocol, meaning most MySQL and MariaDB drivers and products work on MemSQL.

closed source, C++

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