Sunday, October 20, 2019

interactive dynamic web: idyll (!)

A combination of tools and simple syntax for creating interactive web pages

Is this the dynamic web we were promised? with Parametric Press's Matthew Conlen | Hanselminutes - Fresh Talk and Tech for Developers

Idyll | A markup language for interactive and data-driven blogging.

# Hello World
[var name:"x" value:5 /]
The value of x is [Display value:x format:"d" /].
[Range value:x min:0 max:10 /]

Idyll Example Gallery

Idyll @GitHub


Unraveling The JPEG

Idyll Tutorials

Idyll Documentation | An overview.

Idyll Editor

other similar, while custom, sites/pages


Cassini's Grand Tour @ National Geographic

Exclusive: Experience the Best Dinosaur Fossil of Its Kind in 3-D @ National Geographic

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