Friday, March 08, 2019

npm.js and the future of JavaScript

interesting presentation, by co-creator of npmjs

npm and the Future of JavaScript @ InfoQ

"npm is extremely popular... npm has more than 10 million users ... they download more than 8.1 billion packages every seven days... more than 90% of developers who use JavaScript's are currently using npm to put it together. And that's heading towards 100%...

JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world right now. It has been the biggest language on GitHub for the last five years running. 70% of Stack Overflow developers report that they use JavaScript, at least some of the time,

all 50 of the Fortune 50 are using npm in production, all 50 of the 50 biggest financial companies, all 50 of the 50 biggest tech companies."
slides: npm and the future of JavaScript, QConf SF

npm - npm:

weekly downloads


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