Sunday, February 03, 2019

Web Development Trends 2019: +GraphQL

Top 8 Web Development Trends 2019 - YouTube
by by Maximilian Schwarzmüller (udemy classes)
  • HTML, CSS, JS, Node.JS
  • GraphQL
  • Web (SPA) framewords :Vue, Angular, React
  • Web Components: Stencil
  • Static Web Pages, JAM Stack: JS, APIs, Markdown
  • PWA (Progressive Web Apps), Hybrid Mobile Apps (React Native, Ionic, Native Script)
  • Serverless: AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, GCP Firebase
  • AI / Bots: APIs

Compared to last year, he has added GraphQL as next big trend.
That may start replacing now standard REST APIs.

What is GraphQL?

What is GraphQL? | Build a Complete App with GraphQL, Node.js, MongoDB and React.js - YouTube

Here is also his comparison of major web frameworks

React.js vs Angular vs Vue - YouTube

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