Sunday, February 24, 2019

Fission: Serverless Functions for Kubernetes: FaaS

fission/fission: Fast Serverless Functions for Kubernetes @ GitHub, Apache 2 license

written in GoLang, supporting execution environments for
Go, JVM. .NET, NodeJS, Python, Ruby, PHP, and even Perl :)

trigger is something that maps an event to a function; Fission as of today supports HTTP requesttimed, and message queue triggers.

Performance: 100msec cold start
Fission maintains a pool of "warm" containers that each contain a small dynamic loader. When a function is first called, i.e. "cold-started", a running container is chosen and the function is loaded. This pool is what makes Fission fast: cold-start latencies are typically about 100msec.

Serverless Functions for Kubernetes - Fission

"What is Fission?
Fission is a framework for serverless functions on Kubernetes.

Write short-lived functions in any language, and map them to HTTP requests (or other event triggers).

Deploy functions instantly with one command. There are no containers to build, and no Docker registries to manage."

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