Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Chrome Windows += PWA (Progressive Web Apps)

Web browsers have become very capable app platforms,
and with PWA standards this becomes a viable alternative for "native" mobile and desktop apps.

Microsoft has switched focus to PWA from native UWP (Windows 10) apps,
and have supported PWA in Edge browser for some time.
Now with Chrome for Windows fully supporting PWA this finally becomes a great platform for apps.

Windows 10 users: Chrome 70 means you don't need Edge, Microsoft Store to run PWAs | ZDNet

Desktop Progressive Web Apps  |  Web  |  Google Developers

PWAs: building bridges to mobile, desktop, and native
(Google I/O '18) - YouTube

App menu

First Windows 10 Progressive Web Apps (PWA) published by Microsoft hit the Store | Windows Central

 All you need to know about PWA (Progressive Web Apps) - YouTube

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