Sunday, August 12, 2018

WebAssembly podcasts, repos, .NET Blazor, GoLang wasm

Here are links to some very interesting and informative interviews and GitHub repos with WebAssembly

Besides running compiled games in web browser, WebAssembly can be useful for "classic" web apps for re-using business logic and data validation code between web client-side apps and server side, in particular with web SPA (Single Page Apps) and micro-services APIs. 

Some developers may want to avoid JavaScript all together even on client side by using same programming language used on web server.

By all major web browsers now supporting WebAssembly, and available fall-back polyfills to JavaScript. WebAssembly can now run in all web browsers with reasonable performance. 
WebAssembly with Brendan Eich - Software Engineering Daily
"Brendan Eich created the first version of JavaScript in 10 days. Since then JavaScript has evolved, and Brendan has watched the growth of the web give rise to new and unexpected use cases.

Today Brendan Eich is still pushing the web forward across the technology stack with his involvement in the WebAssembly specification and the Brave browser."

"Lin Clark is an engineer on the Mozilla Developer Relations team, and has been working closely on the WebAssembly project. She is the author of a detailed series of illustrated blog posts that explain how WebAssembly works."

C# => WebAssembly

Blazor is a tool that runs .NET in web browser by converting to WebAssembly

"The Blazor project aims to bring .NET to the open Web using Web Assembly. Scott talks to Steve Sanderson about this experiment and it's future plans. How are they compiling C# and .NET to Web Assembly in a way that works everywhere? How does Mono and .NET Standard fit in?"

GoLang => WebAssembly

C => WebAssembly

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